Tips For Budget Friendly Healthy Meal


Healthy Food but on a tight BUDGET? Is it possible? Many students studying abroad on loans or scholarships, fresh graduates and young professionals that are just starting to work have to divide their finances towards food, accommodation, utilities, transportations and necessities. Which makes them cut more of the finances towards food and necessities. Most of the students rely on eating bread or even instant noodles every single day which reduces the intake of protein and nutritions that our body needs to go through our daily routine. It is important for students and fresh graduates to get the ample amount of nutrients that they need in order to concentrate, work, increase energy levels and overall for their health. Surviving in another country that does not have the food that we usually have at home can be tough as well. How can we survive in another country without our usual food? How to eat healthy food but still stay on a budget especially for students? Let’s dive in and find it out together.

Tips For Eating Healthy on Budget:

Here are a few tips on how to eat healthy meal on a tight budget:

  1. Plan Your Meal

Do not wait to cook or eat when you are starving. Doing so will end up ordering take outs and end up with junk food or instant meals. Take your time and plan a meal prep for a week to ensure that the amount or nutrients are enough for the body. If there are refrigerators in your accommodation or place then it would be an advantage that could be utilized to keep the meal prep for a week. However if there are none, then prepare the meal prep that does not spoil easily. By planning properly and early, allows you to stay within your budget while getting enough nutrients that you might need for the whole day. (7 Tips For Healthy Eating For Students on A Budget, n.d.)

  1. Buy In Bulk

Buying in Bulk usually offers promotions such as 5 pieces of apples discounts are cheaper in price compared to buying 1 piece of apple with its original price. Buying in bulks also allows you to save money as you are less likely to visit the store or market. Buying in bulk allows you to have enough ingredients for you to cook any time of the day and if you are hungry, the first thing you will do is open the refrigerator or cabinet to search for food instead of buying food outside or ordering outside food. Buy garlic, onions, eggs in bulk which can last a week or two longer than buying dairy products. Make sure the items can last long if buying in bulk. Do not overspend or over buy, and do utilize the ingredients that you bought in bulk to ensure that there is no waste. (Paterson, n.d.)

  1. Eat Less Meat

Meat is one of the most expensive items when it comes to grocery shopping. Meat contains protein that our body needs, however due to the fact that meats are expensive we have to cut costs in order to save money. Try to substitute it with other types of protein such as tempeh, beans, tofu, or grains. You can replace the protein that your body needs by consuming grains and nuts plus it also helps you to save money and stay within the budget. (Feeling Hungry? Discover 5 Ways to Save Money on Food, n.d.)

  1. Embracing Your Leftovers

There are times where you cook or consume a meal that is either too much or you are full. What will you do with the leftover meals? Do not throw them but reheat them or cook them in a different way. Use your creativity to turn leftovers into a new meal, from yesterdays or breakfast leftovers to a delightful dinner. For example you can turn your leftover rice into fried rice, leftover meats or vegetables fry together in the rice or leftover soups into ramen. (Savage, 2020)

  1. Cook Simple Recipe

It is understandable that to get delicious food sometimes requires a lot of ingredients and various condiments. However due to budget constraints, we have to limit the amount of condiments and ingredients. Stick to a simple recipe that uses the same ingredients but can cook different styles or recipes. You can explore online for simple recipes that consist of the ingredients that you have already bought. Experimenting with new dishes can be fun plus it also saves your money and stays within the budget. (Eating Healthy on a College Budget: Practical Tips for Students | Student Wellness & Accessibility Centre, 2023)

  1. Promotions and Prices Discounts

Pay attention to the prices that the grocery store has. Especially when it comes to the end of the month or the end of the year. Sometimes they would reduce the price of the ingredients, in order to clear the stocks that are piling up in the store. However, pay attention to the expiry dates as well. The price can be tempting because it is cheap but if it expires then you can no longer consume it. Compare the net weight of the item whether it is worth it or not to purchase, especially if it is meat or fish. (Healthy Eating on a Budget: Tips From a Dietitian, 2023)

  1. Buy Local or Seasonal 

This is a life changer especially when it comes to seasonal fruits and vegetables. Find a market nearby and shop for fresh fruits and vegetables. The prices are much cheaper than grocery stores’ fruits and vegetables. Plus the fruits and vegetables at the market are freshly plucked or delivered by the local farmers. By buying their fruits and vegetables we are also helping the local farmers to make a living and also contribute to our local economy GDP. (How to Eat Well on a College Student Budget | Zencare Blog, n.d.)


Eating healthy on a tight budget is not only possible but also essential for students and young professionals. By planning meals, buying in bulk, and making smart substitutions, you can ensure that you get the necessary nutrients without overspending. Embracing leftovers, cooking simple recipes, and taking advantage of promotions and discounts can further stretch your food budget. Additionally, opting for local and seasonal produce not only supports your health but also benefits local farmers and the economy. With these practical tips, you can maintain a balanced and nutritious diet, helping you stay focused, energized, and healthy as you navigate your studies and early career. Remember, investing in your nutrition is investing in your future success.


Eating Healthy on a College Budget: Practical Tips for Students | Student Wellness & Accessibility Centre. (2023, September 25). Humber College. Retrieved July 24, 2024, from

Feeling Hungry? Discover 5 Ways to Save Money on Food. (n.d.). Suits Me. Retrieved July 24, 2024, from

Healthy eating on a budget: Tips from a Dietitian. (2023, October 12). Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences. Retrieved July 24, 2024, from

How to eat well on a college student budget | Zencare Blog. (n.d.). The Couch: A Therapy & Mental Wellness Blog. Retrieved July 24, 2024, from

Paterson, K. (n.d.). 54 ways to save money on food. Save the Student. Retrieved July 24, 2024, from

Savage, C. (2020, February 19). 9 Ways to Spend Less Money On Food. The Financial Gym. Retrieved July 24, 2024, from

7 Tips For Healthy Eating For Students on A Budget. (n.d.). Amber. Retrieved July 24, 2024, from

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