Category: ASEAN Knowledge Sharing

Education System in ASEAN

Education serves as a powerful transformative force in the lives of ASEAN citizens. Inclusive and quality education is crucial for the sustainable development of the region. High-quality education leads to better health outcomes, increased social capital, peaceful and gender-equal societies, and improved job opportunities. It equips ASEAN’s human resources to be resilient, competitive, and prepared for an ever-changing future. Beyond being a driver of social and economic development, education has the potential to enhance ASEAN awareness and foster a regional identity.

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Access to Quality Education in ASEAN

Students all over the world deserve to learn in a healthy and safe environment which enables them to learn with the utmost comfort. Things that improve the qualities of education such as, safe facilities for students alike, qualified teachers and professors, and the availability of global scholarships should be accessible to all students including people with disabilities and indigenous students as well. However, these qualities of education are not easy to be fulfilled by every institution.

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Health and Healthcare in ASEAN

ASEAN countries’ geology contributes to its title as the most disaster-prone region amongst other countries in the world. Hence, disasters like earthquakes, floods, and environmental pollution could expose the people living in the Southeast Asian region to become more susceptible to diseases. With the rise of these disasters, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020, healthcare has become a global phenomenon that is constantly emphasized on ever since.

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Gender Equality and Rights of Women in ASEAN

Although decades have passed and significant improvements have been made for the rights of women, it is a fact that women all over the world are still facing discrimination. This also includes the women in ASEAN as well. Women in the Southeast Asia region who make up over half the population, continue to face challenges such as different kinds of violence as well as discrimination whether it is at a workplace, at home or in a community.

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A Deep Dive Into ASEAN-EU Relations

In 2019, the EU ranked as ASEAN’s third-largest trading partner, following China and the United States, with a total trade volume of US$ 280.6 billion, constituting 10% of ASEAN’s total trade. Since 1998, ASEAN consistently maintained a trade surplus with the EU, peaking at US$ 54.6 billion in 2017. Additionally, the EU stood as the third-largest source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in ASEAN in 2019, with FDI inflows from the EU totaling US$ 16.2 billion, representing 10.1% of ASEAN’s total FDI.

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