Category: Education

Learning Across Borders for ASEAN

After years and years of schooling, students may become more drawn to apply for foundations, universities or other institutions that are far more interesting and maybe beyond the outskirts of their hometown. So, what better way to use that opportunity to apply for ASEAN scholarships and exchange programs? The significance of these opportunities is to broaden the horizons of our students and develop important skills such as communication, leadership, and resilience. Furthermore, this could help encourage students to explore and promote intercultural understanding in ASEAN encouraging cross-country cooperation to create sustainable impacts.

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The Basics of Financial Literacy for Beginners

People, predominantly young adults, always find themselves whining when they discover that only 50 cents are left laying in their bank account. Due to their poor financial decisions, like buying that new game console which now collects dust in the corner of their room, they do not have sufficient money for their essentials and needs to survive. In times like this, it is important for people to have financial literacy.

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