In today’s fast-paced, information-rich world, the ability to think critically has become more essential than ever. Critical thinking is actively
Category: Course Related
Unlocking The Secrets of Academic Writing
Have you ever dreamt of being a professional researcher, an academic writer or publishing quality articles? With academic writing you will be able to achieve that dream! Writing that conveys thoughts, facts, and research to a more comprehensive academic audience is known as academic writing. Academic writing can be classified into two categories: expert academic writing, which is writing meant for publication in an academic journal or book, and student academic writing, which is used as a form of assessment at universities and in schools as preparation for university study. The same standards apply to both student and expert academic writing, which can be challenging for students to master. (Smith, 2022) Academic Writing is clear, concise, focused, structured and backed up by evidence.
Mastering Digital Literacy: Your Step-by-Step Guide
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), digital literacy is the ability to access, manage, understand,
Project Management
Have you ever wondered, why does your organization project sometimes feel off? Are you able to achieve the deadline on time? Have you ever thought is your project impactful or achieve its main objective? If you feel that the last two questions are ‘no’, then you might need to do a project management maturity self-assessment test. The purpose of this article is to encourage you to equip yourself with Project Management Skill. How are we going to achieve that? Don’t worry, we will guide you throughout the article. (Project Management Academy, 2024)
Personal Development Guide for a Better You
Nowadays, we often hear motivational speakers, life coaches, and even social media influencers talk about growth, maturity, or overall personal