Month: June 2024

The Basics of Financial Literacy for Beginners

People, predominantly young adults, always find themselves whining when they discover that only 50 cents are left laying in their bank account. Due to their poor financial decisions, like buying that new game console which now collects dust in the corner of their room, they do not have sufficient money for their essentials and needs to survive. In times like this, it is important for people to have financial literacy.

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Navigating the Global Food Crisis

The 2022 Global Report on Food Crises, issued by the Global Network against Food Crises, reveals that the number of people facing acute food insecurity has reached its highest level in the report’s six-year history. In 2021, nearly 193 million individuals experienced severe food shortages, reflecting an increase of nearly 40 million compared to 2020. This marks an alarming 80% rise since 2016. The main contributors to this surge include “economic shocks,” such as a sharp rise in global food prices. Additionally, inflation in food prices within low-income nations has escalated considerably. “Weather-related disasters” also play a significant role, being the primary factor behind acute food shortages for 15.7 million people in 15 different countries. (Soken, n.d.)

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Strength in Struggles

Life isn’t always so easy and going according to plan. Especially when a person is a high achiever or a perfectionist. There will always be a time where things don’t go as planned especially when it comes to youths or young people. Juggling between academic pressures, extra-curricular activities, personal development activities and family expectations. However, because of these pressures or challenges, our true strength emerges. Some people seem to quickly bounce back from failures and challenges while others find it to be difficult. But if a person manages to overcome these setbacks, then the person will come back stronger than before. This article dive into tips on managing pressure and how to overcome challenges.

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